Spirare Limited

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Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG)

The above is for businesses that are required to close under the imposed coronavirus restrictions.

Businesses that have been told to close include non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sport facilities and hospitality businesses.

The grant is for the businesses to pay business rates on their premise.


To qualify your business must have been:

  • Open as usual before the November lockdown restrictions
  • Providing services in person to customers from the premises
  • Required to close due to restrictions imposed by the government
  • Paying business rates for the premises before restrictions started

Businesses with more than one qualifying property will receive more than one grant.


Eligible businesses will be paid a single fixed amount to cover a 4 week period.

If your business has a rateable value of exactly £15,000 or under on 5 November, you will receive a payment of £1,334 per 28 day qualifying restriction period

If your business rates are over £15,000 and less than £51,000 on 5 November, you will receive a payment of £2,000 per 28 day qualifying restriction period

If your business has a rateable value of exactly £51,000 or over on 5 November, you will receive £3,000 per 28 day qualifying restriction period


Any grant received is taxable.

To claim

To claim you should go to your local council website and look for coronavirus links and grants.

If you require any further detail, please contact the Spirare team as you usually would.