It was announced last night further details of how to make claims:
- The online claim service will be launched on GOV.UK on the 20 April 2020, you should not try to access it before this date
- The only way to claim is online and the process is stated to be simple
- Either you or Spirare can make the claims
- Claims it has been stated will be paid within 6 working days
We are advising any clients that we provide payroll services for, that we will complete the claims as part of the payroll engagement.
For clients who run their own payrolls, we are here to support you or complete the claims for you.
Spirare will be checking the agent authorisation on any clients we have the payroll engagement for. We have tried very hard over the last two years to have all of you on our agent portal. Some clients have not sent the letters and codes back to us so their claims could be delayed. As soon as you receive letters and authorisation codes you must scan these straight to us.
For clients operating their own payrolls, you must have a Government Gateway ID and password. If you have not got one, you MUST, apply for one online NOW. You can do this by going to GOV.UK and searching for HMRC services: sign in or register
You MUST also be enrolled for PAYE online. If you aren’t registered yet, you MUST do this now by going to GOV.UK and searching for PAYE Online for employers
Any clients that we operate payroll that have not been authorised will be requested again today. However, this process is a slow one so we need you to act quickly and scan it back to us.
As the agent process is slower, we are asking ALL clients to ensure they have a Government Gateway and been enrolled for PAYE online. We then have your access to act as a back-up plan.
The team are here to support you through this, contact us if you need any clarification or help.